AA= x shichigoro-shingo – Special Collaboration Goods

The special collaboration goods of AA= (aaequal) and shichigoro-shingo will be released to celebrate the launch of a new album “#5” on AA= Official Website Store. Made to order only. Appli...
May 21, 2016
shichigoro Notebook type Flip Case for Smartphone

shichigoro Notebook type flip Case for smartphone have been sold from VOXPOP. This case comes in six cover art. It is case for general-purpose smartphone. (within 82 x 145 mm) Tokyo Otaku Mode Shic...
October 30, 2015
shichigoro Hard Case with a mirror for iPhone

shichigoro Hard cases for iPhone have been sold from ARTONE MOBILE SHOP. This case comes in seven shichigoro-shingo’s characters. Nomal hard case and hard case with flip mirror for iPhone 6s /...
October 30, 2015
Village Vanguard Online Store

Although It is a Japanese text site, shichigoro-shingo’s artbook and postcards are put on sale in the “Village Vanguard” Online store. They are the artbook “GURUGURU” and...
August 5, 2014
Black Milk x shichigoro 11 – New Year Collaboration – Beats by Panda T-shirts

The Black Milk which is a popular brand in Australia, is launching collaborative goods for NEW YEAR. Men’s & Women’s T-shirts printed with “panda-01” are put on sale as PRE SALE tihs time. Beats...
January 31, 2014
Black Milk × shichigoro 10 – 4th Birthday Collaboration

The Black Milk which is a popular brand in Australia, is launching collaborative goods for 4th anniversary. Men’s & Women’s T-shirts printed with “fuusen” are put on sale as PRE SALE tihs t...
November 25, 2013
Black Milk Halloween – Visual Images

Compiled visual images of the Halloween collection by Black Milk, because they are interesting. :) The monochrome bony product is collaboration item. It’s a video. All Killer, No FillerAll Kill...
October 24, 2013
Black Milk x shichigoro 9 – Halloween Collaboration

The products of the Halloween collaboration are put on sale between shichigoro-shingo and “Black Milk” which is popular brand in Australia. Four versions including different colors and different shap...
October 1, 2013
Dub-All Or Nothing x shichigoro

Cllaborated the caracter artwork with “Dub-All Or Nothing” which is the record label of UK, active in the music world, to do live events and more based in London. Original artwork is ̶...
August 30, 2013
Black Milk x shichigoro 8 – Mechanical Mermaid Leggings

The products of a new collaboration are put on sale between shichigoro-shingo and “Black Milk” which is popular brand in Australia. What is sold this time is “Mechanical Mermaid Leggings”...
July 5, 2013