LIVE #5 AT LIQUIDROOM 20160611 – Cover Artwork

The new download album “LIVE #5 AT LIQUIDROOM 20160611” by AA= (aaequal) has been released. It is selected songs of the album “#5” from live performance at Ebisu Liquid Room in Tokyo on June 11, 2016.

The cover is the boy who appeared on a music video “Such a beautiful plastic world!!!”.

LIVE #5 AT LIQUIDROOM 20160611 – Cover Artwork

It is the great live album, all of collaboration artists (J.M., Kj, Masato and Kenta Koie) have appeared.

Live #5 at Liquidroom 20160611 (iTunes) LINK

And, It was announced that AA= Live DVD “TOUR #5” will be launched on December 7, 2016.
It is complete recording of the live at Ebisu Liquid Room in Tokyo on June 11, 2016.

AA= Live DVD - TOUR #5

So, the first limited edition will be included SETAGAYA TOUR and TOUR THE NEXT.

Official short trailer.

AA=(aaequal) - DVD「TOUR #5」short trailer

Official Website of AA= (aaequal) LINK