Black Milk × shichigoro コラボ 4 – Mechanical Suspenders & Shark Girl Leggings

オーストラリアの人気ブランド「Black Milk」から shichigoro-shingo の artwork が新たな装いでリリースされています。

BlackMilk × shichigoro 4 – Mechanical Suspenders & Shark Girl Leggings

「Mechanical Leggings」が「Mechanical Suspenders」に、「Shark Girl Dress」が「Shark Girl Leggings」になってのリリースです。

BlackMilk × shichigoro 4 – Mechanical Suspenders & Shark Girl Leggings 2

Mechanical Suspenders

In a world where biomechanical creatures rule the world and humans are being hunted toward extinction, the only way to survive is to blend in. During The Nylon Wars, an alliance between an Australian designer and a Japanese artist resulted in these mechanical leg coverings; these suspenders have saved untold lives.
Original artwork by Shichigoro for Black Milk Clothing.

(Black Milk サイトより)

Mechanical Suspenders (BlackMilk) LINK

BlackMilk × shichigoro 4 – Mechanical Suspenders & Shark Girl Leggings 3

Shark Girl Leggings

The Shark Girl was the fiercest warrior during the infamous Nylon Wars and saved many hott little boss lives – what better way to commemorate her than put her on some leggings and wear her on your body?
Art by Shichigoro for Black Milk Clothing.

(BlackMilk サイトより)

Shark Girl Leggings (BlackMilk) LINK

BlackMilk × shichigoro 4 – Mechanical Suspenders & Shark Girl Leggings 4


Black Milk のサイトと Facebook ページです。 LINK
Black Milk Clothing (facebook) LINK